Metric VBT - Changelog

Latest feature releases, updates and improvements made to the Metric app, available on iOS.

Feature request? Come say hi on Discord!

Version 2.2 - Enhanced Customisation & Power profiles

June 10, 2023

What's New 🚨

Power profiles (Pro)
Our newest feature allows you to choose between a load velocity and load power profile for each exercise during your barbell tracking, giving you more personalised and relevant insights depending on whether you are training for strength or power.

Profile context (Pro)
Stay informed with our new 'last time profile' line that compares today's velocity or power profile with your most recent session for that same exercise.

Session display customisation (Pro)
You can now adjust the metrics shown for each exercise in session mode and training history. Tailor the data to your training style, and adjust these metrics for all exercises or each specific exercise individually.

Set review customisation by exercise
More personalisation is now possible with the ability to tailor the metrics and display for each exercise separately.

Recent exercise filtering
Our new filtering feature gives you a list of your most recently completed exercises during setup, making it easier to keep track of your progress.

Improvements ✨

  • Updated collapse control for charts - Navigate your charts more easily with our new expand and collapse feature, ensuring you always have access to the insights that matter in your training.
  • Video processing speed enhancement - We've made significant speed improvements in our post-set processing, with some tests on iOS 16 showing an impressive 400% speed increase.

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Algorithm fixes - We've squashed a bug that created false reps during set up. Now, false reps are much less likely to occur.
  • General aesthetic enhancements to make Metric easier to navigate and more user-friendly.

Version 2.1 - Overhauled app navigation

May 28, 2023

What's New 🚨

Redesigned App Navigation
Navigating through Metric has never been easier. We've introduced a new tab menu to give you quick and seamless access to all essential features. Whether you're keen on exploring your training history, starting a new session, or accessing the support pages, we've made everything straightforward and hassle-free.

Improvements ✨

  • Faster Training Flow in Session Mode: Taking our revolutionary session mode a step further, we've integrated additional options for your training efficiency and convenience. Add another set for an existing exercise or start a new exercise to your session without breaking your training flow. Perfect for superset training.

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Darker dark mode with some minor colour palette adjustments.
  • Squashed some general bugs that were impacting look and feel. Metric is smoother and prettier as a result.

Version 2.0 - Introducing Metric Pro

May 13, 2023

What's New 🚨

Introducing Metric Pro
Take your training to the next level with a revolutionary set of barbell tracking features when you subscribe to Metric Pro.

Enjoy advanced features such as a full training history, Session Mode, automated load velocity profiling and advanced metrics including: pause tempo, power, peak velocity.

You can subscribe to Metric Pro inside the Metric iOS app. No hardware required.

Training history (Pro)
Store and review every rep, set & session you record in Metric.

Session Mode (Pro)
Record multiple sets in a row, combining exercises into a single workout on a single page. Training with velocity has never been easier sessions!

Advanced metrics (Pro)
Peak and mean power metrics are now available from the settings of your set review. Also added for PRO subscribers are peak velocity & pause tempo metrics.

Automatic Load Velocity Profiling (Pro)
Every session, every exercise, automatically calculated. Gain insights into your performance across all loads and velocities.

VBT Support Pages
We've expanded our support pages, helping you to optimise your Metric training. Join our Metric Discord community and learn from your fellow lifters. Pro and non-pro members welcome!

Improvements ✨

  • Video Saving Optimisations: We've fixed the issues causing crashes during video saving. Now, you can save your videos smoothly without any interruptions.
  • New Onboarding Flow: Getting started with Metric is now faster and easier. Our tutorial is directly connected to your first set, providing real-time tips when they matter.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • More Robust Set Edit Functionality: We've made improvements to our set edit functionality. Now, you can update, modify, and delete sets just the way you want.
  • Aesthetic Spring Cleaning: We've spent some time tidying up. Layout fixes, and a more friction-free app experience.

Version 1.3 - Tempo and set review customization

March 2, 2023

What's New 🚨

Eccentric tempo tracking
Metric now tracks and reports your eccentric tempo for each rep. Tempo tracking is a great way to keep yourself honest and train for better control on the descent.

Customize your highlights cards
You can now pick your preferred display settings, choosing which metrics and highlights get shown on the training dashboard. You can tune Metric to better support your goals.

Bodyweight recording
You can now keep track of your bodyweight on your profile. This feature doesn’t do much (for now) but very soon Metric will leverage this data for calculating more advanced scores like relative strength and power.

Improvements ✨

  • Algorithm improvements. Metric has been improved with better handling of unilateral and Olympic lifts.

Fixes 🐛

  • Inevitable bug fixes. Another release, another slew of bugs crushed and general usability improvements help Metric be faster and more reliable than ever!

Version 1.2 - Bar chart mods, algo fix, snatches

December 20, 2022

What's New 🚨

Snatch velocity tracking
Metric now supports tracking for Snatch variations. Be sure to place your phone in a position that allows for the entire lift to fit in the frame.

Bug report button
Users now have a direct line to the Metric development team so they can report issues, share glitchy videos and request features.

Improvements ✨

  • Compact bar charts on the home page. The Metric UI is now cleaner, with the bar chart getting far easier to access.
  • Stability improvement to filter false repetitions. Thanks to your feedback we were able to find a bug causing false rep detections when phones were in certain positions. This should now be much more reliable.

Fixes 🐛

  • Moved some pixels around to keep Metric looking slick and easy to use.
  • Improved the login, sign-in and forgot password flow, including a bug fix for keychain access.

Version 1.1 - Context, zoom, custom plate size

December 6, 2022

What's New 🚨

Training context
Metric now provides simple training context information that helps you determine how well you are lifting. The difference between the current set and the last set you performed of the same exercise at the same weight is shown below each stat on the homepage.

Camera zoom capability
Users setting up in tight spaces rejoice! You can now pinch to zoom. If your phone features a wide angle lens you can now use that extra space too.

Custom plate sizes
Now it is possible to train with those odd sized plates floating around your gym. When entering the set exercise information add the diameter of the largest plate on the bar and Metric can deliver accurate data.

Improvements ✨

  • Less invasive alerts in camera setup. Metric will still alert you when stabilisation issues are detected, but will be a bit calmer This makes it easier to play with the new Zoom feature and not feel you are being yelled at by a computer!

Fixes 🐛

  • A bug that caused noisy reps for some users has been tracked and fixed.
  • A laundry-list of housekeeping and pixel pushing was also achieved.

Version 1.0.1 - Ballistic lifts and intelligent rep detection

November 22, 2022

What's New 🚨

Major algorithm upgrade
Metric has thrown out the rulebook (again 😀) by using an all-new intelligent rep feature classifier that determines your actual rep start and end points. With this smart algorithm update your rep velocity and ROM data is more truthful and actionable than ever before, and Metric can now easily handle ballistic lifts.

Ballistic lifts added
Several new lifts have been added to the exercise list including: loaded jumps (trap bar and barbell), cleans, jerks, push-press, high-pulls and step-ups. This is made possible thanks to the new rep feature classifier algorithm.

Support for multi-athlete recording
Early access users of Metric for Teams can now quickly switch between athletes while using one device to record sets.

Support for deleting sets
For future planned capabilities we have now added the ability to delete a recorded set entirely. This can be handy if you are messing about showing someone how to use the app and don’t want their set saved in your training history (hint hint).

Improvements ✨

  • Search field on the exercise selection screen. You can now quickly filter the list to find your lift.
  • Fewer taps between sets. Metric previously had an extremely convenient workflow for adding a new set, but after hundreds of sets recorded we realised we could significantly reduce the taps required by condensing everything to a single screen prior to recording.

Fixes 🐛

  • Accelerometer tweaks to reduce false set cut-offs. Metric was previously a little sensitive to the device being moved and would prematurely end sets. Dropping your deadlifts is now less likely to kill the set recording (thanks Bryce!)
  • General bug squashing. As ever Metric has had a range of small bugs or crashes resolved.

Version 0.6.0 - Improved 3D tracking and correction

September 16, 2022

What's New 🚨

New exercises
Two new exercises added to the library - Step Ups and Floor Press.

Improvements ✨

  • Overhauled the tracking algorithm. Metric is now able to record sets reliably from a wider range of phone positions, including placing the phone lower down relative to the barbell.
  • X & Z axis correction. Metric now features X-axis and Z-axis correction so mean velocity is more accurate, and aligns with other velocity tracking technologies that also offer X-axis correction.

Fixes 🐛

  • Touch ups and bug squashing. As usual stability has been tweaked, bugs and crashes should be less common as a result.

Version 0.5.4 - Set editing and rep removal

June 17, 2022

What's New 🚨

Editing set details and hiding reps
You can now change the exercise or weight after recording a set. Even better, Metric now allows you to exclude a rep from the results. Maybe you pulled the bar too hard on set-up? No problem, press the icon next the detected rep to remove it.

Improvements ✨

  • Variance is now consistency. Previously Metric reported how varied your range of motion was each set. Now Metric displays how consistent - the inverse number. Basically you should aim for 100% consistency!
  • Optimisations for older phones. Users with older devices (especially on iOS 14), were sometimes getting some funky results. Metric is now better optimised for these devices and should be more reliable for these users.
  • Memory handling restructure. When video was being reprocessed for accuracy, sometimes results would be wildly inaccurate. The culprit was memory handling; Metric now handles memory properly so more accurate results are in fact more accurate.

Fixes 🐛

  • Tiny pop-up is no longer. A micro-sized information box in the app would randomly show up after a set and force users to re-start. We hunted down a tiny error that caused the tiny pop up and it should no longer be a problem.
  • Touch ups and bug squashing. As usual stability has been tweaked, bugs and crashes should be less common as a result.

Version 0.5.0 - Video Overlay and Rest Timer

May 25, 2022

What's New 🚨

Video data overlay and easy sharing Metric now has a visualisation of your data placed on your lift video. This can help you understand how each rep looks and relate it back to your velocity. With the addition of a share button its now even easier to post your lifts to social, or quickly send them to your coach.

Rest timer Keep honest about your rest times with a new timer on the menu bar. It starts counting as soon as your last rep ends so you don’t have to do a thing!

Video re-processing Some older devices could struggle to keep up with the Metric computer vision algorithm during live recording. Now Metric will automatically detect if your device dropped frames and quickly re-process videos to confirm everything is accurate!

Fixes 🐛

  • Weight field now allows comma’s to denote decimal place. Metric was not recognising European keyboard entry on the weight field. Region localisation is now turned on so Metric can be used no matter where you are!
  • Missing video thumbnails have been found. Metric would sometimes show an ugly placeholder where the video thumbnail should be. Now it will always show you getting ready to max out!
  • Kicking you out of the highlights screen shouldn’t be a thing. Metric was shooting people back from the screen with the bar charts before they could actually look at them. We couldn’t actually replicate this issue but Metric has been changed so that this is less likely to happen… (Let us know if you spot this bug?!)