NOTE: The tips in this guide only apply if you are experiencing longer post set processing times (above 10 seconds) after you press the stop recording button.
Metric uses a unique computer vision system and rep-detection algorithm to track lifts in real-time on your device from the iPhone or iPad camera.
The app receives and processes a large amount of information from not only the camera, but also device angle, distance from the barbell, rotational, and accelerometry data. Because of this, importing videos recorded outside of the app is not possible. These videos lack the key metadata required for accurate velocity, range of motion and tempo data that Metric makes possible.
Post set processing
While Metric does the majority of its movement analysis during your set (enabling audible real-time feedback), when required Metric also performs a reprocessing step on your video after recording is stopped to ensure nothing was missed, filter any ghost reps and ensure the highest levels of accuracy in your training data.
Post processing is only done when needed so most often you will be taken straight to your set analysis page to review your training data and video.
When post processing is required it usually only takes a couple of seconds, however there are times when the post processing stage can become extended, going beyond 15 or even 60 seconds.
Here are the potential causes for extended processing times.
Device age and power
Older iOS devices have less powerful processing chips inside them and take longer to run all applications, including the Metric vision system. You can find a full list of minimum supported iPad and iPhone devices on this page, but an iPhone X and an iPad Pro 2021 or newer is the oldest recommended device Metric supports.
My device is not included on the supported devices list?
You can still use the Metric template building features, review training history, create and complete training sessions, but you will not be able to use the barbell velocity tracking features.
Longer recordings
Longer duration recordings will tend to require more post processing. Metric can in theory record as many reps as you like and run for as long as your phone has the storage space, and if you are ok with these longer sats having a little more processing then no need to worry.
You can try pressing start and stop as closely to your set as possible or have a coach/training partner manage your recordings to minimise unnecessary dead time in your videos.
Recording very close to the weight plates
The final factor that can lead to longer set processing times is having your weight plate fill the entire frame during recording. Simply use the zoom buttons, or position your phone a little further back from the side of your barbell to give the plates some space in the frame.

Metric has a wide tolerance for distance and recording angle, so no need to be too particular, and if your processing times are not an issue then no need to adjust.
A combination of all of the above issues
If your post set processing is particularly long (above 30 seconds), it is most likely a combination of two or three of the above factors, try adjusting your framing, updating to the latest version of Metric and updating your device iOS, shortening the duration of your set recordings and moving the device further away from the barbell for the best results.
And of course, if you are still having issues after trying all of the above, get in touch