The real-time feedback feature provides audio alerts or announcements during your sets to help calibrate output, increase intent and motivation or autoregulate the end point of your set. This is a well researched and effective use of velocity based training.

Real time feedback is available with a Pro or Pro Coach subscription.

Enabling Real-Time Feedback

To turn on real-time feedback:

  • Feedback and tempo are available from the recording capture screen within the control stack.
  • Open the feedback modal to see all the available options for feedback and customise your targets to suit your goals.
  • Tempo can be enabled separately from feedback via the feedback modal.

Feedback options

There are four different variations of real time feedback available, you can enable one a time.

  • Off - No feedback will be given during the set.
  • Read - Hear the value for each repetition read aloud at the top of each rep. Choose from mean velocity, peak velocity, and range of motion as the announced metric. To make this more useful, Metric rounds the values announced to keep the audible feedback short and less distracting.
  • Target - Set a fixed value for peak velocity, mean velocity or range of motion and hear a positive alert for all reps above the target value and a negative buzzer on reps that drop below the target.
  • Loss - Select a velocity loss value (as a percentage) to help determine the end point of your set. This feedback type will stay silent until you are approaching or beyond the determined velocity loss threshold. Select between mean velocity and peak velocity to calculate the velocity loss.

Tempo metronome

Metric also offers a 1-second metronome providing a steady audible beat to improve control and consistency across your reps. Turn this on and the metronome will play during your set.

Tempo can be enabled alongside your preferred real-time feedback option should you want to have both active during your set.

Usage notes

  • Real-time feedback may slightly increase video processing time after sets.
  • Real-time feedback may also activate on a barbell unracking or reracking- these false reps will be filtered in the final set data (or you can subtract any false detections from the set review after the set).
  • In loud gyms, feedback works best when played through Bluetooth headphones such as AirPods. Feedback can be utilised alongside your music or Podcast playback without interruption.

Suggested feedback values

There are no strict rules around setting feedback targets or thresholds, so while below are some suggested values, feel free to experiment and see what works best for you!

Velocity loss thresholds

  • 5-15%: Great for power sets when aiming to minimize fatigue (for a taper/deload) or when training explosive power
  • 20-30%: The sweet spot for developing strength. This is a great place to do the bulk of your hypertrophy and srength development work.
  • 35% +: Tough training, this level of in-set fatigue will help you push limits and challenge your lifts. However, it comes with the side effect of added fatigue and strain so use this zone sparingly

Velocity targets

The below values correspond with 80-85% of 1RM for many lifters, hitting these velocity numbers is a good place to start experimenting with feedback in your workouts.

  • 0.6m/s for barbell rows, box/half squats
  • 0.5m/s is a great target for lower body lifts, aim to keep your working sets between 0.5 - 0.6m/s for Trapbar deadlift, back and front squats
  • 0.4m/s for bench press, sumo and conventional deadlifts.

Use these peak velocity targets for explosive lifts.

  • 2.5m/s: Light fast and dynamic, great for snatches
  • 2.0m/s: a heavier power snatch or a light power clean, high pull, or light loaded jump
  • 1.5m/s: a challenging but explosive power clean or loaded jump

You can learn more about the benefits and uses for real-time feedback in this blog →