Full workout builder features

With Metric VBT's Pro or Teams account, you can track and log your entire training session in the app, including both velocity tracked and manual entry exercises.

Manual Entry for Non-Velocity Tracked Exercises

For exercises that are not eligible for velocity tracking, you can manually input the load, reps, RPE/RIR, or duration for each set and mark them complete by tapping the circle icon, turning it into a green checkmark.

Starting from a historical workout as a template your sets and training metrics from last session will be pre-loaded makes for a more efficient training experience, meaning to exactly repeat a set all you have to do is tap to complete.

Enhanced Control Over Your Training Session

All sets can be deleted by swiping its row to the left or edit the set after completion by tapping the entry field and adjusting the value should you make an error.

You can also delete an entire exercise through the “…” menu icon.